As the Wheel of the Year turns, so does my Sabbat Wreath. Decades ago, I tied together a round grapevine wreath with a wicker star form, creating my version of a pentacle.
Each turning of the wheel, I decorate the wreath with different symbols of the season. Sometimes it’s simple, just twining inspiration of colored ribbon. Sometimes it’s heavy on the beautiful items found in nature, signifying growth and bounty. Some years I’ve added clay figures, others photos. But whatever form my visual celebration of the season takes, the wreath hangs above my altar as an offering to the Sabbat’s energy.
This year I’m feeling a little traditional and craved the intense colors, so I decorated my pentacle wreath with silk poinsettias and berries, adding in a scattering of greenery to highlight the flowers
This simple process of decorating my wreath really helps me set the energy of the season.