Walk with me as the Wheel Turns and the Moon cycles, exploring crafts, recipes, rituals and self-care as we honor the cycle of the seasons…
The Wheel of the Year
The 8 Wiccan Sabbats are Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, Samhain, and Yule. While my background and training are rooted in the Wiccan path and witchcraft, it isn’t necessary to follow a specific belief system or ideology to connect with the energy of the Wheel of the Year. Like many long-honored traditions, the energy surrounding the Wheel has grown into a powerful and tangible framework, accessible to anyone who wishes to engage with it.
At its core, the Wheel of the Year reflects the path of the Sun and its influence on the Earth and our lives. Although its origins are tied to agricultural cycles, these concepts are easily adapted to modern times, offering guidance and inspiration for spiritual connection and personal growth.
Lunar Phases and Working with the Moon
Just as the Sun's journey shapes the Wheel of the Year, the Moon’s phases offer a sacred rhythm that has long guided witches and spiritual practitioners in their magickal work. Each phase—from the New Moon’s beginnings to the Full Moon’s illumination and the Waning Moon’s release—carries unique energies that can guide intention setting, reflection, and manifestation. Working with the Moon’s phases connects us to the cycles of nature and to the heart of witchcraft itself. Whether casting spells, meditating, journaling, or simply gazing at the Moon’s light, working with lunar energy amplifies your Magick and deepens your spiritual practice.
Explore More
I’ve shared a wealth of information, rituals, and spellworking ideas for both the Wheel of the Year Sabbats and the Moon's energies. To explore further, click on any of the Sabbats or Lunar phases in the image below for inspiration and guidance tailored to each one.