Samhain Altar

Wheel of the Year

Sharing a quick peek at my Samhain devotional altar. I also have a separate working altar, as well as an Ancestor altar.

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Embracing Spring Equinox Energy

Embracing Spring Equinox Energy

Falling between March 20-23 in the Northern Hemisphere and often referred to as Ostara in witchy circles, the Spring Equinox is a time when light and dark, night and day, are in equal balance.  A liminal time, and the symbolically the beginning of spring on the Wheel...

Welcome to Her Enchanted Creations, where we Celebrate and Embrace the Magick Within.  Explore Sacred Space, Daily Magick, the Wheel of the Year, the Moon in all Her Power, and share handcrafted tools, decor and gifts to enhance the journey. 


A Magickal Home

Crystal Magick

Lunar Magick

Magickal Empowerment