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Wheel of the Year
Blessed Beltane

Blessed Beltane

Wishing you a Blessed Beltane filled with passion, creativity, fertility and success! Check out some ideas for celebrating Beltane

New Moon Ritual: Moon Water

New Moon Ritual: Moon Water

Harness the Incredibly Powerful Effects of the New Moon Moon Water is a simple, yet versatilely powerful, magical tools.   I’ve outlined the basics of making, using and storing Moon Water in a previous post, so here I’ll focus on the power of Moon Water created at the...

Imbolc Correspondences

Imbolc Correspondences

The wheel turns yet again, bringing us to the Sabbat of Imbolc, or as it’s sometimes referred to, Candlemas.  Here is a handy chart of correspondences for Sabbat celebrating inspiration.

Seasonal Magick : Imbolc

Seasonal Magick : Imbolc

The midpoint between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox (Ostara), Imbolc is an oft overlooked Sabbat, but one that I personally love. Mostly because I love that liminal energy between dark and the coming light. To me, even though the dark part of the...

Blessed Yule Wishes

Blessed Yule Wishes

On this, the longest night of the year, I wish you illumination and insights as you reflect on the year past and consider changes you’d like to bring light to as the wheel turns toward the Sun’s waxing growth.

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Embracing Spring Equinox Energy

Embracing Spring Equinox Energy

Falling between March 20-23 in the Northern Hemisphere and often referred to as Ostara in witchy circles, the Spring Equinox is a time when light and dark, night and day, are in equal balance.  A liminal time, and the symbolically the beginning of spring on the Wheel...

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