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Moon Magick
Harnessing New Moon Magick

Harnessing New Moon Magick

Welcome, mystical souls, to the enchanting realm of New Moon Magick! In this delightful journey, we'll be diving into the art of casting a spell during the new moon phase, specifically using the gentle power of candle magick. So grab your white candle and let's embark...

New Moon Herbal Blend Magick

New Moon Herbal Blend Magick

Enter the mystical world of our handmade New Moon herbal blend, where magic and enchantment await. Created with intention and crafted with love, this celestial concoction is designed for the mystical arts of candle magick, incense, spellwork or charm bags. Prepare to...

Full Moon Eclipse Energy

Full Moon Eclipse Energy

  This Full Moon energy is ideal for focusing on personal growth and self-care.  I’ve noticed recently that some people hesitate to do any workings under the influence of an eclipse, but to me, that energy is simply another element to work with. I like to start,...

New Moon Letter to Honor the Goddess

New Moon Letter to Honor the Goddess

The New Moon is a powerful time for manifestation and setting intentions. As the moon enters a new phase, we too have the opportunity to start fresh and set our intentions for the upcoming cycle. In many spiritual traditions, the new moon is considered a time of...

Full Moon Growth

Full Moon Growth

Let’s welcome the first Full Moon of Spring, with all its manifestation magickal energy! Spring represents growth and fertility, an excellent focus for a Moon in Full bloom. When the Full Moon is in bloom and bathes the world in its enchanting light, it gives us the...

13 Ways to Use Moon Water

13 Ways to Use Moon Water

I’ve written about the process of making Moon Water but what do we do with it once it’s made?  There are so many uses, and I’m finding or discovering or even creating new uses all the time.  But I thought it’d be helpful to make a handy go-to list of ideas for using...

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