The energy and symbology of the Tree of Life holds so much power. Not only because it’s such an evocative and lovely image, but also because of the multitude of ways it can be worked with.

Also known as the Sacred Tree, the Tree of Life is an archetypal symbol found in many mythologies, religions and iconographies from around the world. Standing between the heavens and the underworld, the Tree of Life connects all forms of creation.

The Tree of Life symbolizes unity and the connectedness of all life on earth, honoring fertility and strength.  It’s a lovely symbol for nurturing growth. 

The Tree of Life is also an amazing energy to work with for ancestral work.  The Family Tree, so to speak.  While there’s strong energy in using a family memento, such as Gramma’s necklace or Great Uncle Joe’s keychain as a charm to in ancestral spellwork, when those personal symbols don’t quite fit your working.  That’s a good time to turn to the Tree of Life and it’s representation of strong roots and the connections they hold.  

You can honor the Tree of Life and the symbolic energy that calls to you by bringing this symbol into your space.  Wear it, decorate with it, carry it as a charm.  Regularly contemplate it and consider what it means to you, or how you’d like to better work with it’s energy.  

The Tree of Life is a delicately ornate wall or window hanging, and can also bring it’s beautiful, nurturing energy to your indoor garden, herbs or houseplants.

These are only a few inspirational ways to incorporate the magick of the Tree of Life into your Sacred Space.


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