13 Ways to Use Moon Water

Moon Magick, Spells & Energy

I’ve written about the process of making Moon Water but what do we do with it once it’s made?  There are so many uses, and I’m finding or discovering or even creating new uses all the time.  But I thought it’d be helpful to make a handy go-to list of ideas for using Moon Water.

Honor the Goddess

As part of my daily ritual, I make an offering of a drop of Moon Water on the statue of the Goddess.  There are many ways to use Moon Water to honor the Goddess, such as an altar or shrine offering or pouring it onto the ground in the moonlight.

Add to Bathwater

Moon Water is great to add to bath water.  It’s great for a pre-ritual bath but also added to a luxuriously scented, indulgent bath for self-love.

Start the Day with Moon Water

Make your morning coffee or tea with Moon Water, and spend your time during that drink focusing on active meditation in the form of energizing for the day and listening for any spiritual messages.

Moon Water Face Wash

Traditionally, washing the face in morning dew collected at Beltane or May Day offers a magickal boost to the complexion.  But using Moon Water as a face wash or after-washing splash brings that magickal Moon energy just as powerfully!

Moon Water Sigils

Sigils are essentially a spell encased in symbols, and the creation thereof is a branch of magick that’s wonderful to explore.  Using Moon Water to draw sigils is a great tool.  For instance, draw a self-confidence sigil on the skin with Moon Water prior to a challenging event.  Or just Moon Water to draw a banishing sigil onto a list of habits to release before burning them.

Energetic Cleanser

Add a few drops of essential oil in a spray bottle to create an energetic cleanser as an alternative to smoke cleansing.  The oil choice would depend on the type of cleansing being done, but I always default to rosemary essential oil as an all-purpose choice.

Houseplant Care

I use a lot of crystals and crystal creations (trellises, plant stakes, and so on) to offer my houseplants love, care and good energy. But offering a deep drink of Moon Water to plants is a wonderful energetic boost.

Prophetic Dreams

The Moon is know for it’s intuitive alignment, making it a great tool for any type of magick.  At the time the water is charged under the Moon’s light it can be specifically energized for prophecy, divination or boosting intuition.  By drinking some of this intuition-boosting Moon Water right before bed, and perhaps even having a small bowl of it next to the bed, it can enhance one’s ability to have prophetic dreams.

Water Scrying

The same Moon Water charged for prophecy, divination or boosting intuition as mentioned above for prophetic dreams can also be used for water scrying.  Add the water to a dark bowl, sit in a room lit only by candlelight and scry away.

Magickal Spellworking

There are many, many types of water spells out there. Water represents the emotions, intuition and deep psyche, so using Moon Water in sympathetic magick for these workings will add to the power and energy.

Ritual Asperging

Ritually cast circles are often asperged (sprinkled with water) with salt-infused water, but using Moon Water (with or without salt representing the element of Earth), especially in a Moon Rite, adds a nice boost of energy.

Crystal Cleansing

Moon Water is great for cleansing crystals, but it is important to make sure the crystals being cleansed are ones that play well with water.  I’ve posted more about crystal cleansing with Moon Water here.

Water Attunement

In working with the Elements, attuning or making a connection with and meditating on each Element is vital.  Using Moon Water in working to understand and embrace the Water Element adds an extra depth to the process.


Store Moon Water in a well-sealed Apothecary Jar.


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